Saturday, May 12, 2012

Rage Against the Machine

My computer's wireless driver decided to cease existing this morning and I'be spent the last 8 hours trying to restore order without avail. Now as I sit here internet-less typing from a borrowed computer, my eyes puffy from crying at the realization that my computer really does want to kill me, I can't help but think: why do I go into a homocidal rage every time my computer conks out?

Don't get me wrong, my computer provides me my livlihood and since I live in the middle of nowhere, my only connection to the outside world, but it is just a machine, right? Why am I going so crazy over such a relatively simple device (that can't do what it's bleeping supposed to do). Take this video from's webseries After Hours. Shortly before hitting the 5-minute mark, their topic of conversation turns to the internet AND HOW IT WANTS TO KILL US ALL. Among other things they explain how the internet has turned us into "Aspergersy cruel idiots" which I have to admit is true. One look at the YouTube comment section should prove that.

The internet and the accompanying sense of annoynimity has seemingly zapped all sort of empathy from our human race. We start drooling for the next reality TV fiasco. We as an American society start clinging onto Snooki's every word while at the same time wondering why the easiest way to become famous is to behave like the most horrible, nasty, unfeeling, empty shell of a human we possibly can. Look at some of the most popular shows out there: Real Housewives of Whereever, Jersey Shore, Basketball Wives, Bad Girls Club. All these people had to do to become famous was to act like complete and utter assholes. When fame is accomplished that way it's easy to see why we behave the way we do. Maybe everyone in the comment section wants to be the next Snooki. A frightening prospect if you ask me.

Now I won't deny that I would most likely be less rage prone if I had a computer that didn't hate me if I wasn't on the internet all the time. But that doesn't mean I won't spend however long it will take to get my internet working again, and flagrantly ripping the heads off anyone who dares interrupt me.